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This is a very long post title naming my five favorite fictional characters of all time

There will be a more in depth list of my top five favorite fictional characters underneath this paragraph/statement. Number one, Dwight Schrute (from the office); Number two, Joey Tribbiani(from friends); Number three, Dr.Spencer Reed (from Criminal Minds); Number four, Elizabeth Bennett; Number five, Emily Prentiss (from Criminal Minds). Dwight Schrute Joey Tribbiani Dr.Spencer Reed Elizabeth…

Action Movies

Action Movies are a thrilling experience. They bring you on an invited adventure with twists and turns. Filled with fighting, romance, comedy, thrills, and heartfelt moments. The directors under this genre portray each actor with a specific personality, so everyone can feel connected. Baby Driver Movie Poster Personally, my favorite action movie is Baby Driver. Suspense…

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